



1. 大村谷昌樹, 橋本大輔, 坂田和也, 能登原憲司, 馬場秀夫: カテプシンDによる腺房細胞内トリプシン活性化機構の解析, 第44回日本膵臓学会大会, 2013.7.25-7.26, 宮城 (仙台国際センター)

2. 大村谷昌樹, 廣田昌彦: X染色体不活性化による遺伝子改変慢性膵炎モデルマウスの樹立, 第42回日本膵臓学会大会, 2011.7.29-7.30, 青森(ホテルニューキャッスル)

3. 大村谷昌樹, 井田智, 廣田昌彦, 橋本大輔, 尾崎宣之, 高森啓史, 馬場秀夫, 山村研一: 膵炎におけるオートファジーの制御機構の解析, 第40回日本膵臓学会大会, 2009.7.30-7.31, 東京(京王プラザホテル)


4. Ohmuraya, M., Sakata, K., Notohara, K., Gukovsky, I., Gukovskaya, A. : Insufficient levels of SPINK induces impaired autophagy resulting to chronic pancreatitis. 45th Annual Meeting of the American Pancreatic Association, Nov 5-8. 2014, Hawaii USA (Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel)

5. Ohmuraya, M., Notohara, K., Yamamura, K.: p62/SQSTM1 is involved in the mechanism of acute pancreatitis. 44th Annual Meeting of the American Pancreatic Association, Oct 30-Nov 2. 2013, Miami USA (Eden Roc Hotel)

6. Ohmuraya, M., Notohara, K., Arak, K., Hirota, M., Yamamura, K.: Insufficient levels of serine protease inhibitor, Kazal (SPINK) produced by partial expression of SPINK1 in Spink3 deficient pancreas result in permanent pancreatic tissue damage, 米国Digestive Disease Week 2012, May 19-22. 2012, Sun Diego USA (San Diego Convention Center) (ポスター賞, 第七回日本膵臓学会国際優秀演題賞)

7. Ohmuraya, M., Hirota, M., Yamamura, K.: A mouse line expressing Spink3-driven Cre recombinase, The 42st Meeting of the European Pancreatic Club, June 16-19. 2010, Stockholm Sweden (Clarion Sign Hotel)

8. Ohmuraya, M., Hirota, M., Ozaki, N., Baba, H., Yamamura. K.: SPINK1 promotes proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells through the EGFR, The 41st Meeting of the European Pancreatic Club, July 1-3. 2009, Szeged Hungary (University of Szeged, József Attila Study and Information Centre)

9. Ohmuraya, M., Hashimoto, D., Hirota, M., Baba, H., Yamamura, K.: Involvement of autophagy in trypsinogen activation within the pancreatic acinar cells, The International Pancreatic Research Forum 2009, Mar 28. 2009, Tokyo Japan (Hotel Pacific Tokyo) (Best Poster Award)